MARINA ABRAMOVIC / ULAY, Nightsea crossing, 1984 [exhibition card]

MARINA ABRAMOVIC / ULAY, Nightsea crossing, 1984
invitation card
10,5 x 15,5 cm
published by Museum Fodor, Amsterdam
€ 65,- plus € 12,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.MAbr 813-814-pr

This invitation card was issued on behalf of the exhibition “Gemeenteaankopen 1981/82” at Museum Fodor in Amsterdam. The Municipality of Amsterdam bought the performance Nightsea crossing as a ‘dream’, meaning that the documentation of this piece was part of the purchase. Today this material is part of the collection of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

4 newspaper snippets
3 photo copies newspaper snippets
1 report 13-04-1982 (private archive KvG) on ‘Films van Marina Abramovic/Ulay’
1 form (private archive KvG)
1 letter to committee members of a BKR-projectteam

MARINA ABRAMOVIC & ULAY, China Ring, 1987 [exhibition card]

16,6 x 11,1 cm
exhibition card
extremely rare
published by Michael Klein, Inc., Amsterdam
€ 300,- plus € 15,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.MAbr 807-08-pr

This exhibition is neither listed on the Ulay Foundation’s biography website, nor mentioned in the CV’s of Marina Abramovic. For a very short period Michael Klein Inc. represented Abramovic / Ulay in 1987 in which year the artist’s couple had a one time exhibition at Michel Klein Gallery in New York.