BERT MCLEAN and DAVID KLOOSTERBOER, Apples and Pears, 2024 [artists book]

BERT MCLEAN and DAVID KLOOSTERBOER, Apples and Pears, 2024
29,7 x 21 cm
artists book, 14 pp., photo copy print, hand stamped cover recto/verso
signed, numbered
edition 18
€ 25,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail


Bert McLean and David Kloosterboer were asking themselves what it means to be a fan of each other’s work. They began to draw each other’s work that they remembered with pencil on paper. This handmade artists book shows their drawings alternately on each page.
Each copy has either a hand stamped apple and pear on the front or back of the cover:

SYLVIE FLEURY, portrait of a gallerist [wearing bow tie by John M Armleder], 1991

SYLVIE FLEURY, portrait of a gallerist (wearing bow tie by John M Armleder), 1991
2 unique black and white analogue photo prints
each 15,6 x 10,5 cm / 10,5 x 15,6 cm
signed note, envelope, date-stamped 6-11-1991, 4 parts
inv.SF 377-pr

These photos were taken during the instalment of John Armleder’s second solo exhibition at Galerie van Gelder in 1991, for which he made a.o. three large Pour paintings. He dipped two bow ties into a puddle of paint that was leaking from the paintings leaning against the wall. Sylvie immortalised that action by taking a picture of the gallerist wearing one of the ties.
Vaguely, I remember that Sylvie Fleury wanted to capture my more than average height by photographing from a frog’s point of view. i am not sure, I should ask her about this, I guess. KvG

The letterhead on the notepad sheet reads: “Those SHOES! I must have Those SHOES!” – Confessions of a Crazed Shopper.

LOUISE LAWLER, Pollyanna (adjusted to fit, distorted for the times, more) 2007/ 2008/2012/2018, 2018 [digital photo print]

LOUISE LAWLER, Pollyanna (adjusted to fit, distorted for the times, more) 2007/ 2008/2012/2018, 2018
59,4 x 84 cm
a digital print on semi-gloss paper
hand stamped and numbered edition 30 + 10 AP
published by More Publishers, Brussels, Belgium
inv.LLaw 000-pr

Added information
This image was originally shown as a photo print in 2007 for the first time. After that at various venues this print was adapted to different sizes of walls. Below an example of how this image was distorted in such a way that it fitted on a wall in the MoMA in New York, USA. For the More Publishers print the Louise Lawler adjusted it to the given paper size.

GERHARD RICHTER, Line Color Rainbow Mini Skirt, 2023 [skirt]

GERHARD RICHTER, Line Color Rainbow Mini Skirt, 2023
size M
fabric, 88% polyester, 12% elastane
Order-on-demand production through RedBubble, Melbourne, Australia
‘Designed and sold by Tabatha Anderson’, Manchester, USA
inv.GRich 000

Here the publisher is both dress designer and seller with the help of RedBubble Inc., a company that specializes in Order-on-demand. The print on the fabric is taken from the couver of a catalogue.
One may wonder whether this production – with the artist’s name ostentatious reproduced on the fabric – is made with the consent of Gerhard Richter. Yet, The Archive is Limited brings also unsigned works together, that have been produced during the artist’s lifetime. As such this skirt edition is archived as an authentic work. We consider it as being indirectly approved by or made with the consent of the artist, since apparently no legal forces prevented to have the offered item for sale. One may also look at it as an abuse of Gerhard Richter’s work and name or as a piracy’s action to reproduce the couver of a catalogue showing the name of its publisher Hatje Cantz.
In any case, this is clearly a matter of Product art, no doubt about that. KvG

On 19th of December 2023 this item was not for sale anymore. Between the 11th and 19th of December suddenly this skirt disappeared from the website of RedBubble, for unknown reasons.

GERHARD RICHTER, Abstract Cover Mini Skirt, 2023 [skirt ]

GERHARD RICHTER, Abstract Cover Mini Skirt, 2023
fabric, 88% polyester, 12% elastane
size M
Order-on-Demand production through RedBubble, Melbourne, Australia
‘Designed and sold by BlankaBlank’, Wiesbaden, Germany
inv.GRich 000

Here the publisher is both dress designer and seller with the help of RedBubble Inc. that specializes in Order-on-Demand.
One may wonder whether this production – with the artist’s name ostentatious reproduced on the fabric – is made with the consent of Gerhard Richter. Yet, The Archive is Limited brings also unsigned works together, that have been produced during the artist’s lifetime. As such this skirt edition has been archived as an authentic work. We consider it as being indirectly approved by or made with the consent of the artist, since apparently no legal forces prevented to have the offered items for sale. In any case, this is clearly a matter of Product art, no doubt about that. KvG