KEVIN OSBORN, Real Lush, 1981 [artist’s book, signed]

KEVIN OSBORN, Real Lush, 1981
9,6 x 16,7 x 5 cm
artist’s book, two bolts binding
here signed and dedicated
edition 200
Private collection, Amsterdam
€ 85,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.KOsb 668-pr

Usually the semi-hard cover of this out of shape book is molested due to trying to go through the pages. Indeed, technically it is a difficult book to read; therefore it is wise to unscrew the bolts at the back of the book and start reading while carefully putting the loose pages back on the bolts.
A copy is in the collection of Walker Art Center Library, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

“Real Lush is composed of 35 signatures, each of which is made up of nine leaves. The right-hand pages carry the narrative, the left-hand pages bear a sequence of nine related, apparently topographical images, repeated throughout the book with minor variations in a central episode. Every signature in the book carries a set of nine images, printed in a silvery gray, which give the book a recurring rhythm and over which are printed other images. The first page of every signature bears an outlined human figure simply drawn according to a system of proportion. In the bottom left corner of the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth pages of each signature are small drawings of male heads representing different racial types. In the bottom right corner of each page are two small figures, apparently ancient Egyptian and Nubian, wrestling. In each signature they start vertically and finish horizontally. If one flips the pages of Real Lush, the wrestling figures are constantly falling only to rise again, and they thus contribute to the overall rhythm. In addition, there is another sequence demonstrating the bandaging and unbandaging of a hand. All of these sequences literally underlie, signature by signature, the images subsequently printed over them, to generate the heartbeat of the book.”
Clive Phillpot
Director of The Museum of Modern Art Library, New York, USA

Ref. Artforum, Clive Phillpot, director of the Library, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA Real Lush May 1982

JILL MAGID, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007 [signed]

JILL MAGID, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007
20,9 x 14,5 cm
SC, 54 pp., offset
numbered, signed
edition 800 of which ca 100 signed
published by Grove Press, New York, USA
€ 200,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.JMag 94


Press release Gagosian Gallery, New York, USA:

July 27th – August 24th, 2007
Press Release: Gagosian Gallery is pleased to announce “With Full Consent”, Jill Magid’s first solo exhibition in New York, on display at the fifth floor space at 980 Madison Avenue. The show features an array of works linked by the investigation of the emotional and philosophical relationship between “protective” institutions and conventions, and individual identity. A prime example is Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, a large-scale multimedia project initiated upon the artist’s return home after living abroad for five years. When an announcement over the subway PA informed everyone that any passenger may be subject to a search “for security reasons” Magid responded by approaching a police officer and asking him to search her. He refused, but she persisted. Ultimately she infiltrated his world – to a degree – Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy: police code for “love.”

History of price:
Rago Arts and Auction Center, Lambertville, NJ, USA 15 March 2023 US$ 275.- hammer price (2 books, unsigned)

GEORGE MACIUNAS, Flux Stationary – letter and glove, 1973 [multiple]

GEORGE MACIUNAS, Flux Stationary – letter and glove, 1973
24 x 20,8 cm / 26,5 x 10,9 cm
offset print on sheet of paper, envelope
condition: in perfect shape, yellowed due to aging
published by Flash Art Edizioni – Wooster Productions, Milan, Italy
€ 285,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered Eu mail
inv.GMac 665-pr

History of prices:
Tonini Editore, Gussago, Italy February 2024 € 300,-
L’ Arengario Studio Bibliografico, Italy, March 2023 € 300,-
UnoriginalSins, UK, March 2023 GBP 225.-
The Potomack Company Auctions, 7 October 2020 US$ 275.-

CLAES OLDENBURG, n.d. [print, signed]

CLAES OLDENBURG, n.d. [1970]
inner cover of catalogue
28,5 x 22 cm
offset, 300 grams paper
condition: splendid, gently aged
€ 280,- plus € 18,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.COld 230-pr

In 1980-’90’s an Autographengruppe in Bonn started to collect signatures of known people in sport, art and literature. In the early beginning of this century the collector’s group decided to sell little by little a part of their collection through Internet. Not only postcards but also pages of books were cut out after the members got hold on a signed publication. For that they visited openings at museums and galleries. In this way, the inner cover of a catalogue of Claes Oldenburg was added to the collection of signatures. This cut-off back cover is part of a catalogue that Städtische Kunsthalle in Düsseldorf published in 1970. It shows a part of a hand saw that runs further at the back on the outside.

LEE MCDONALD, Window – green, 2021 [test 2219]

LEE MCDONALD, Window – green, 2021 [test 2219]
29 x 10 x 10 cm
hand made cardboard box, tape, spray paint can, sticker, plastic bag for spraying
spray painted certificate, hand written instruction sheet
+ personal link to film of test 2219
series of 6 unique DIY works
published by Galerie van Gelder Editions, Amsterdam
€ 350,- plus € 12,- Track & Trace registered EU mail
inv.LMcD 000

This edition is a DIY multiple. The owner is supposed to spray a window glass of any size by following the given instructions. When travel costs are paid, on request the artist is willing to apply the layer of paint ad hoc. Through a personal Internet link each edition number has been tested by Lee McDonald, i.e. the cardboard box itself.

GALERIE VAN GELDER Bericht 1, 1992 [news letter]

GALERIE VAN GELDER Bericht 1, 1992
29,7 x 21 cm
photo copy, vintage
edition ca 35
published by Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam
inv.GvG 000

This is the first newsletter of Galerie van Gelder issued in the beginning of June 1992. It announces the gallery’s participation of Art Basel ’92, being a co-operation of five galleries. This was initiated by John M Armleder who also coined the name “Associated Publishers”. For that he designed a logo “AP” that was supposed to promote a co-operation of publishers in Geneva, Cologne, Amsterdam and New York. An edition “AP” was made by galerie van Gelder Editions on an enamel door plate. The image depicts the letters AP inside a tumbled zero.